Corporate Procurement

NEPAD Procurement and Supply Chain Management is dedicated to providing and managing the most effective and efficient procurement processes and procedures for the acquisition of quality goods and services, while ensuring a competitive, fair and transparent process in accordance with African Union regulations, rules and procedures.ext

Awarded Tenders

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2021 AUDA-NEPAD Tenders Awarded

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2020 AUDA-NEPAD Tenders Awarded

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2019 AUDA-NEPAD Tenders Awarded Register

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Provide knowledge-based advisory services and technical assistance to African Union Member States and Regional Economic Communities to strengthen their capacity Act as the continent's technical interface on policy development recommendation and implementation with partners and stakeholders Undertake the full range of resource mobilisation Coordinate and execute priority regional and continental projects enshrined in Agenda 2063 with the aim of accelerating regional integration so as to achieve "The Africa we want"

NEPAD Bid,Grants and Sub-Delegation Portal

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